
What is Backgammon?
Backgammon is a two-player board game that focuses on moving a set of colored checkers around the board, using dice to determine where you are able to move. In a two-player game, one player moves clockwise, and the other anti-clockwise. If you place your checker on a point where an opponent has placed a single checker, you knock their checker off the board - sending it back to the beginning. Checkers can be taken off when a checker reaches their home board (the upper or lower left-hand corner) without having any of the opponent's checkers in the way. The winner of Backgammon is the first person to remove all their checkers from the board.
According to various studies, Backgammon is said to date back more than 5,000 years, with archeological studies determining that comparable games were played in Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. Despite its long history, Backgammon remains a popular game in 2024, with millions of online and offline players competing every day.
How to Play Backgammon.
There are many benefits associated with playing Backgammon - from improved cognitive function to indulging in some friendly competition. As such, now is the perfect time to learn how to play backgammon!
We’ve put together a helpful guide, complete with a glossary, to help you familiarise yourself with the game!
Backgammon Glossary.
Checker. The checker is the playing piece, and you will move around the game. Each player has 15 checkers. While they come in many colors, when playing 24/7, you can choose a red or a white checker. In professional play, checkers are referred to as a “man.”
Board. Backgammon is played on a board, which features 24 points/triangles. Each player owns “half” of the board.
Open Point. An open point is any point that is currently unoccupied, meaning that no players have placed a checker here.
Closed Point. A closed point is any point that is currently occupied by at least one checker. If only one of your opponent's checkers is placed here, landing on the closed point means you can remove their checker from the board.
Prime. A prime is a series of six consecutive points occupied by your checkers. Your opponent can not enter this space or remove your checkers when you achieve a prime.
Bear Off. Bear off refers to removing your checkers from the board and to your home base.
Hit. Removing a player's checker from the board and sending it back to the beginning.
Doubling Cube. A die is used to raise the stakes when playing Backgammon. When played, it can double the score earned in a single roll.
How To Play Backgammon Online.
1. Select the difficulty.
When playing Backgammon 24/7, you can set the difficulty level before starting the game. This means that you can choose between easy, medium, hard, or expert, depending on your skill level or understanding of the game.
2. Make some adjustments.

Once you’ve selected your difficulty level, you can decide upon the following:
- Checker/piece color.
- The number of points required to win.
- Whether or not you use a doubling cube.
3. Roll the dice.
A game of Backgammon begins with both players rolling the dice. The player with the highest score goes first and begins to move their checkers around the board.

When it is your turn to roll, the number featured on the dice indicates the number of spaces you can move a single checker. If you rolled as above, this means that you could move your first tile one point along and another six points along.
4. Determine your next move.
The goal of Backgammon is to ensure that your tiles have made their way across the board and back to their home point. When playing 24/7 Backgammon, your home point is in the bottom left corner of the screen. We’ve made things a little easier by highlighting possible moves each time you click a checker.

While the aim of the game is to get all of your checkers back to your home point, remember that you can also knock your opponent's checkers off the board by landing on a point they’ve placed a single checker on.

This moves their checkers to the middle of the board, and they essentially have to start from the beginning. If your opponent moves your tile to this place, then you cannot move any other checker until the removed checker is brought back into play.
5. Begin Bearing Off.
When you have navigated your way across the board, it's time to bear off - which is the term used when referring to removing your checkers from the Backgammon board.

If you are the first player to bear off all checkers, you will win the match and will earn a specific number of points. The number of points earned can vary, however, depending on the state of the board when you bear out.
For example, if the losing player has not borne off any of their checkers, you will receive two points. If they have not borne off any checkers and still have checkers within the opponent's home board, the winner earns three points. Both of these scenarios are known as a losing gammon. If both opponents were in the process of bearing off their checkers, then the winner earns one point.

How To Play Multiplayer Backgammon Online.
Most players, especially those who are first starting, will use 24/7 Backgammon to play against a computer as opposed to a “real” opponent. This provides them with a low-pressure way to get to grips with the game. However, if you are looking to put your skills to the test, you may want to play against another human player instead.
Don’t worry; this is still possible while playing 24/7 Backgammon - and we give you the option to play against a randomized opponent or a friend.

However, the rules for this game are the same as outlined above. It may take slightly longer for your opponent to make their move, as you are no longer playing against a computer that can make decisions in a split session.
How To Play Pass and Play.
Generally, speaking, pass, and play backgammon refers to a game of backgammon that is played using a shared backgammon board and dice. Each time a new player takes a turn, the board is passed over to them. While many people associate pass and play backgammon with in-person play, we’ve developed an online version of this variant, too. This means that you and a friend can play from the same phone or computer, simply passing the phone to each other when necessary.
Again, the rules for gameplay are the same. You must work to move your chosen checkers around the board, using the score on the dice to determine how far you can travel. When you have made your way around the board (completed one circle), you can begin to bear off. If you are the first player to bear off the board, you win the game. Either way, points are calculated at the end of each match until a certain pre-agreed score is earned.
Winning Strategies for Backgammon.
Whether you’re a complete beginner or a more experienced backgammon player, familiarizing yourself with these winning strategies can help you rack up points and win every game you play.
Try to secure points near your home board. As mentioned above, the main objective when playing Backgammon is to return your checkers to the home point and bear off. By securing the points closest to your home board early in the game, you can block your opponent's path and make it easier for you to start bearing off.
Stack your checkers. Stacking your checkers in piles of at least two, means that your opponent is unable to land on this space and knock your checkers off the board. As such, you should avoid leaving a single checker in one place for too long, as this runs the risk of it being returned to the starting position.
Keep your eye on your opponent's checkers. Being the first to bear off also means that you need to stand in the way of your opponent as much as possible. This can be achieved by stacking checkers in adjacent corners, as it means they need to roll a specific number on the die to be able to move forward. You should also keep an eye out for any checkers they leave in a single space so that you are able to knock them off the board entirely. This slows down their gameplay and can disrupt their strategy, as it means that they cannot move any other checkers until they have returned the original tile to the board.
Remember that practice makes perfect. Remember, as with any kind of strategy-based game, the more practiced you are, the higher the chances are of you winning. This is because you’ll know exactly what move to make in order to beat your opponent. You may also find that you’re able to make decisions relating to your move much quicker, and without needing to ask for help.
Watch more experienced players. Many of those who are just getting started in Backgammon learn how to improve their gameplay through playing, as opposed to reading instructions. This often helps when it comes to comprehension. However, you could also learn by watching other, more experienced players. For example, you could watch Backgammon tutorials or games on sites such as YouTube to better familarize yourself with the rules! If playing with friends, you could always ask them for some advice before you start playing.
How To Play Backgammon: FAQ.
Is Backgammon hard to play?
Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the basic rules of Backgammon, you’ll soon see that it's a relatively easy game. After all, the objective is simple: remove your checkers from the board as quickly as possible while also preventing your opponent from doing so. However, you may benefit from keeping these instructions on hand when you first begin playing so that you can refer to them as often as you need.
We’ve also made it a little easier for you to determine your next move by highlighting each possible move you can make based on the number appearing on your dice. If you are still unsure, click the question mark button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. This will make a move on your behalf.
However, it is important that you pay close attention to the moves made on your behalf. This will allow you to think more strategically moving forward, so that you are able to play without assistance in the future.

What are the benefits of playing Backgammon?
There are many benefits associated with playing Backgammon, both online and in person. While part of the gameplay is based on luck (the numbers appearing on the dice), strategy is also key to success. Dedicating some time to playing backgammon can improve your logical thinking and reasoning skills.
Furthermore, this kind of gameplay is associated with reduced levels of stress and anxiety. This is because they serve as a welcome distraction from the stressors of everyday life, making them a great way to relax and unwind!
When playing backgammon with friends, you’re also given the opportunity to spend quality time together. This can strengthen your relationship, even when playing virtually, as you’re playing together without outside distractions getting in the way. It also allows you to indulge in some friendly competition as you compete to win and remove each other’s counters from the board.
What are common mistakes beginners make when playing Backgammon?
Being aware of the common mistakes that beginners make when playing backgammon makes it easier to avoid similar pitfalls yourself, improving your scores and chances of winning. With that in mind, here are some common mistakes you should be aware of before pressing play!
Forgetting to stack checkers. Forgetting to stack checkers as much as possible could mean that you have numerous isolated checkers on the board. Doing so is essentially an invitation for your opponent to knock the checker off the board, sending you back to the starting point. If this happens multiple times over, this can drastically reduce your chances of winning.
On a similar note, stacking checkers increases your chances of obtaining a prime (six consecutive corners occupied by your checkers). Aiming for a prime can help you win a game of checkers because it makes it impossible for your opponent to make a move (as they cannot score more than six on a traditional die). Even if you are unable to obtain a prime, having stacks of checkers in corresponding corners can't hurt your chances of success. For example, having four stacks in a consecutive row, your opponent must obtain a score of five or higher in order to be able to move past these tiles.
Failing to knock your opponent's checkers off the board. On a similar note, you should also be sure to keep a keen eye out for any checkers that your opponent has left in an isolated position. While your main focus should be moving your checkers toward your home base so that you can bear off, removing your player's checkers from the board prevents them from doing this - which can improve your chances of winning!
Learn from your mistakes. One of, if not the biggest mistake you can make when playing Backgammon is failing to learn from the mistakes that you have made previously. Doing so means that you’re far more likely to repeat them, meaning you’re unable to develop your strategic skills and understanding of the game. After each match, think about how you have performed and the potential steps you could take to perform better in the next match or game.
What games are similar to Backgammon?
At 24/7 Backgammon, we’ve developed a wide range of Backgammon games for you to choose from. This includes:
- 24/7 Backgammon
- Spring Backgammon
- Summer Backgammon
- Fall Backgammon
- Winter Backgammon
- Christmas Backgammon
- Easter Backgammon
- 4th of July Backgammon
- Halloween Backgammon
- Thanksgiving Backgammon
- New Year's Backgammon
- Valentine's Backgammon
- St Patricks Backgammon
- Cinco De Mayo Backgammon
However if you have already worked your way through these games and are looking for something a little different, we’ve developed a wide range of online strategy games designed to test your skills and brainpower. This includes Solitaire, Mahjong, and more!
Play Backgammon Today.
If you’re looking for a way to pass the time, sharpen your cognitive abilities, or simply have some fun, you should consider playing Backgammon today. Whether you want to play with friends or against a “computer” opponent, we’ve got you covered at 24/7 Backgammon.
Furthermore, this guide has covered everything you need to know about Backgammon, which means that, following the guidance above, you’ll become a Backgammon pro in no time at all!
So, what are you waiting for? Start playing today!
Backgammon Game Strategy
- Fortify your checkers in backgammon by ensuring all remain in stacks of two or more at all times.
- Knock opponent backgammon checkers off as much as possible.
- Build up your home territory with two checkers + in each spot. This makes it more difficult for the opponent to roll to get back into the game after being knocked off.
- Feeling fiesty? Intentionally leave some checkers back to try and knock the opponent off the board as they make a run for their home territory!
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DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.